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Time to schedule our cleaning service for your home, apartment, or Airbnb. Super simple! Pick the industry you want to book for. Select or fill the values in the fields, find the date and time you want to book for and wait for a confirmation! For commercial cleaning please use our REQUEST A QUOTE option, or contact us by phone or e-mail.

Service and Extras

What type of cleaning?

Choose your type of cleaning

How frequently would you prefer your cleaning services?

Select Your Preferred Cleaning Days

Select the Quantity of:

Please enter the accurate information below when utilizing our booking services. Inaccurate information will result in additional charges. We kindly request that you double-check all information provided before submission.

Select Extras

Any special requests outside of our cleaning list? (optional)

When do you like us to come?

Choose a date and time you would like us to come. PLEASE NOTE: Bookings are arranged by 1 hour arrival windows. All bookings must be made at least 24 hours before your cleaning. You will receive a booking confirmation with exact arrival time.

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Provide your contact details

Booking Summary

    Sub Total: $0

    Discount: -$0

    GST (5%): $0

    Total: $0

    Note: You only will be charge now at the check-out the deposit amount, and the remaining charge will be processed after the cleaning is completed.