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+1 (604) 353-8390

Terms & Conditions

Easy Step Cleaning Services, ESC operates the business as a service provider under the terms and conditions outlined below.

  • Easy Step Cleaning Services retains the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and without notice. By requesting Easy Step Cleaning Services to provide service via any means – phone, email, booking form, or direct interaction – the client agrees that these terms and conditions are legally binding.

Employee protection

  • In compliance with current laws, all Easy Step Cleaning employees are insured by workers’ compensation insurance.

To preserve our employees’ health and safety:

  • They will not move anything weighing more than 50 pounds. If you want us to clean behind heavy furniture or appliances, please move them before we arrive to give us access to the target area. They will not climb any higher than a 4-step stool, nor will they climb any ladders or stand on any unstable places.
  • Clients are responsible for informing Easy Step Cleaning of any special needs or safety concerns prior to the performance of cleaning services. Materials that pose a risk to our employees’ health or safety will be left alone. Items or environments containing bodily fluids, excretions, needles, band substances, and litter boxes are examples of hazardous materials.
  • If our team believes that their personal safety is in danger (for example, someone in the home is intoxicated, a ferocious animal is not confined, exposure to drugs or guns, etc.), they will leave the site of the services (the “Premises”), and you will remain liable for the entire cost of the planned service. If this case arises, we will make every effort to contact you via phone.

Supplies and equipment

  • ESC will provide all essential equipment, materials, cleaning goods, tools, and other stuff to carry with the services. Unless otherwise requested by the cliente to use their own.

Arrive Time & Fees

  • Arrival times: are simply estimates because we have no control over traffic or weather. We make every effort to arrive on time; however, please allow for a 30-minute buffer.
  • The fees stated in the Confirmation are simply estimates and may vary in compliance with these Terms depending on the actual condition or level of dirty of the Premises.
  • Easy Step Cleaning has the right to adjust its pricing from time to time upon notice to you. All applicable taxes are not included in the fee.


  • We accept E-transfer, MasterCard, VISA, AMEX, and cash as modes of payment. Upon completion of service. Clients agree to pay for the cleaning service according to the prices established by Easy Step Cleaning.

Complaints & Claims

  • Easy Step Cleaning is licensed and insured to operate, ensuring the safety and peace of mind of clients. Easy Step Cleaning will not be liable to you for: loss or damage to any objects that are not properly secured (for example, heavy portraits hanging from thumb tacks, not securely fastened to walls, etc.).
  • Any previous damage, such as scratches or dings in the windows, paint, furniture, floors, or walls, etc.
  • Damage caused by faulty and/or improperly installed items.
  • Failure to adequately seal and prepare any surfaces (marble, granite, etc.) for cleaning without incurring damage
  • The client is responsible for reporting any incident, breakage, damage, or loss, as well as any complaint, within 24 hours after the service’s completion. Failure to do so will nullify any re-cleaning or corrective action.
  • Easy step Cleaning has insurance to cover any accidental damages produced by an ESC member or employee at the moment of service, given the damages are reported in writing within 24 hours of completion of the service, either via email or to ESC. There will be no coverage for consequential damages.
  • Insurance does not cover anything that could break down or stop working at any time, including but not limited to the computer, fridge, freezer, microwave, dish washer, tumble drier, stove, oven, washing machine and tumble drier, as well as the instability of any item that the client is already aware of, such as headboards, bathroom fixtures or other property fittings. The client is required to notify ESC of any fittings that are not secured correctly or appliances that are not in function order. Easy Step Cleaning will take no duty for any of the following, whether caused directly or indirectly.
  • Cash, jewellery, and other small valuables must be secured by the client. In terms of theft and dishonesty, ESC has a zero tolerance policy. For any of the foregoing, no responsibility or liability is accepted. (The client must avoid unnecessary temptation).
  • If a client believes theft or actual theft has occurred, it is the client’s responsibility to notify Easy Step Cleaning as well as the police. If there has been a theft, the client will be responsible to file a theft charge and pursue it the criminal prosecution. Easy Step Cleaning shall not be held liable for any theft-related losses.

These terms and conditions is governed by British Columbia law.

  • You accept all terms and conditions on the Easy Step Cleaning website as a formal agreement by submitting the booking form or request for an estimate.